Membership Options

You get unlimited training time when available, anytime access to the building, real membership in a cool club, a key card that clicks when you enter.

Put in your application and deposit today, and we will contact you within 48 hours for a tour. We have limited space in our private club. If we currently have a waitlist, you can wait until a spot opens up or have your deposit refunded.

If we have space right away, your deposit will become your payment for the first month, and payments will renew automatically the following month.

DOTR Six Month Membership
$270.00 every 6 months

A six month subscription to Dogs on the Run is the smart choice for real competitors.

DOTR Monthly Membership
$49.00 every month

One month at a time.

DOTR Family Membership
$69.00 every month

The family membership allows for three members. All new memberships are pending until approval is rendered by Terry and Jeff.
